NCNSC Consulted by UK Researchers about the OFDVI Strategy to Combat Domestic Violence

NCNSC was contacted by a group of researchers and practitioners in the United Kingdom who were interested in learning more about High Point Police Department’s application of focused deterrence to combat domestic violence. The group published a report entitled, Domestic Violence: Evidence Review in which they stated: “While domestic violence is high on the public policy agenda in the UK, successive reviews have highlighted policing problems. A recent HMIC report found domestic violence is not policed at the same level as other offences and identified a catalogue of policing failures that have a long history of recurrence. With domestic violence accounting for around a large proportion of violent crime incidents reported to the police, and the majority of all female homicides (Office for National Statistics, 2013), it is essential that what works in addressing perpetrators is fully reviewed.” The review was prepared to as a rapid assessment of the current state of the evidence on policing interventions for domestic violence.

A full copy of the review can be accessed here: DomesticViolence_EvidenceReview.

The review provides an up-to-date perspective of what is working regarding policing efforts aimed at combating domestic violence and could serve as a valuable resource for community’s looking for evidence-based solutions.